Saturday, June 30, 2007

Keeping busy in Thailand

Thailand is such an awesome place!! James and I are having a fabulous time in this extremely hot country. We spent our first week with Darlene at Sammuck Christian Academy...what a cool place. We went bowling with some of the English teachers and as the night came to a close we realized that we really didn't have a way back to the school. So what do you do when you don't have a ride in Thailand? Do you get a cab? Noooooo! You pile nine people on 3 scooters...hehehe....sorry mom, Sharon H. and Darlene but it was so fun. Darlene was wonderful to us...she spoiled us rotten, she is such a great person. Thai markets have also been a favorite with us. Darlene took us to our first one which was handy because she is fluent in Thai, Melody Hopkins took us to the second can that girl barter!! Then today James and I went on our own...let's just say that we have A TON of presents for people back home. The food is great! The people are great! The weather is great! The clothes are great (finally some girly clothes)!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Thank you thank you thank you for the postcard!! I got it yesterday and we were all really excited to get mail from such a far off place! :) It being a LOTR's card was even cooler. So glad you are having a good time.