Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Well I guess I am back. What a semester...I think by far it was the worst one yet. But thanks to all of your prayers I have, as of 11am today, finished another term. Thank you all for praying for me while I was writing my papers, I seem to have one emotional breakdown per semester and I definitely had on during all those 10 pagers. Lots has happened over that last little while.James finished his masters program, Laura came to visit with Daniel, James had his final surgery and of course we have been getting ready for our first Christmas not with our Nova Scotia families. We are sad but excited just to hang out and relax in the SNOW COVERED city.
The most recent of new is my friend Julie will be leaving Edmonton to pursue her career in Speech Pathology. The other night she had her grad banquet and I was honoured along with our other friend Adele to be invited. We had a GREAT time hanging out, laughing, etc ;) I guess that is all I can think of to say right now. But now that I will have some free time you guys can count of more posts, maybe I'll even get to do some book reviews.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Hello All,
I do realize that I haven't been a good blogger and for the moment I am not really going to give an update. I really am just asking for prayer. I do realize that my life is wonderful and I am truly blessed with many things but that does not change the fact that I have 2 ten page papers due Friday and neither one are done or even started for that matter. I was sick in bed for over a week and I am SO far behind I could just cry. So please if you can spare a moment please pray that God will give me clarity and the ability to ramble about 17th century print culture and the Victorian Class structure. Thank you all. I promise to update a lot over Christmas.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Sorry it's been so long

Hello everyone, I guess it's been awhile since my last entry. As always I have the lame excuse that I've been busy. School and work have once again taken over my days and made time slip by far too quickly. Since my last post Logan has had his seventeenth birthday.

I cannot believe that he is practically an adult...wow...where did the time go. I'm so proud of my surfer dude nephew. Love you Logan. Lisa has also managed to squeeze in another birthday.

Also, as of yesterday James is offical done his Master program. He presented and defended his thesis on October 26. He did a few revisions to fix it up and yesterday he submitted his final copy to the graduate studies offical. The lady at the office congratulated him and told him he was offically done (he even got a fancy pen). Hurray.

Well, I guess that is all that's been going on. We are now looking forward to Laura and Daniel's visit on the 19th. By the way I will try my best to actually post something about 3 John today. Somebody yell at me if I don't. I'm so bad at this. I hope everyone is well.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's me Mams birthday

On this day not that long ago my sweet grandmother gave birth to my sweet mother. Happy Birthday Mama. Have a great day. I hope you like your present.

Love you

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

As days go by

I don't even know how it got to be the 17th of October. Life is beyond busy right now and I don't really like it. I apologize to all of you who have emailed and I haven't responded yet. Cheryl, thank you so much for the picture...it made my day. Shannon, I will respond soon...I love the updates...they make me realize that there is more to this life.
Since the purpose of a blog is to vent, journal, criticize, correspond,etc., I am going to let you all know that I am and have been grumpy for days upon end. It all started last Saturday when I was supposed to have a relaxing day off and then spend an evening with a bunch of my girlfriends. I was told last minute that I had to attend a play for one of my classes in the evening which I must write a 3 page report on...There goes my girls night out. Then I got called into work...There goes my day off. No problem...right?! Work was fine I managed to get through it. Then I went to the play.........words cannot describe what I experienced. Stupid and pointless are just not harsh enough. A complete and utter waste of time and let me just tell you, I am pretty artsy so for me to think a play is stupid I'm sure most of you would have walked out after 5 seconds. I had to sit through 90 minutes of a grown man acting like a crow (I'm totally serious). Then came Sunday...oh dear...I don't even want to go there again. Let's just say I'll be contacting Anne to find out what time their morning service is. Then on Monday morning one of my professors tried to convince our class that "common sense" does not really exist...COME ON PEOPLE, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO. Normally I can just laugh all of this stuff off and chalk it up to "those academics" but I'm coming to the end of my rope with this stuff. I was somewhat encouraged when, on Monday, we discussed the "Crow Play" in class and my teacher apologized for making us go...she didn't realize that it would be so dumb. She also gave us an assignment to make a list of things we are grateful for (this is a drama class)...so I am thankful for my drama teacher. I am grateful that she restored my faith in mankind (just a bit). Well, that is what I have been up to. I just go to school and work (a lot). James' mom and dad were very nice and put some money in our bank account so that we could go out to eat and go to a movie. It was great to get out and have fun. Thanks Lana and John. I think that is my life right now. Also some breaking news...James and I are not coming home for Christmas this year...boohoo. It was just far too expensive so courtesy of Mom and Dad and their air miles we will be home Feb 17 for a week. It will be sad not to be home for Christmas but at least in February we will actually have time to visit with everyone. Okay I'm tired of typing. Anne and Charmin I apologize for any typos but I just don't have it in me to proofread.

Pretend it is October 7th

So I am a little behind with my blogging...Although I did not forget my dear brother's birthday I feel bad that I didn't get a chance to post a Happy Birthday blog for him on the 7th. So here it is Scott. I hope you have a fabulous birthday. Love ya.

Friday, October 06, 2006

So I freaked out just a bit

As most of you know I am almost always signed into MSN but am rarely around to chat on it, I usually get any messages sent my way before I go to bed. Last night I headed to bed around 11pm and noticed that Anne has sent me a message. My first thought was that maybe she wants to got shopping at "Once upon a Child". But no...all it says is..."u there? I'm so sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
My heart starts to pound and I don't know what to do. She has signed off so I cannot reply to this. I start to write her an email and then I think...what if something really serious has happened and she needs a support system right now. Of course I jump to conclusions and think that Trevor and Leah have both killed or injured in a freak accident or something has happened to family in Nova Scotia. So I take a deep breath and resolve to be strong and call Anne regardless of the late hour. At 11:15pm I call Anne...Trevor answers the phone...I am somewhat relieved. "Anne are you okay?" I ask. "I'm fine, I'm just talking quiet so I don't wake Leah"...I am feeling even better now, Trevor and the baby are fine. I ask again if she is okay and she says that she is. "What can I do for ya?" she asks. "I'm calling about the MSN message you sent me" I say, feeling a bit stupid at this point. "What MSN message?" I start to giggle. "The one you sent about being sad" I replied. Anne is also laughing at this point. "I have not idea what you are talking about but you have made my night" was Anne's reply. It turns out that they have some company who likes to use Anne's MSN. :) Besides feeling like a complete idiot I had a good laugh after I hung up the phone. I have also resolved to get the facts before I freak out. By the way Anne we really do need to go to Once upon a Child soon.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy Birthday to Emma

I can't believe that Emma is 6 years old today...wow...Happy Birthday dear Emma. I''ll call you later today. I love you.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Reggie

October is a month full of birthday celebrations for me. Today is the first of them. Dearest Reggie...I hope you have a wonderful day. I wish I could be with you. I love you.

Doesn't he look great!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm not good at this

Hey everyone, I hope everything is well in the blogging world. I've been a bit busy with school and I just got a job so I don't have tons of spare time. But I've been checking in from time to time. Can anyone give me advice on my links? I don't know why there is a space before and after Anne's link and Charmin's link is supposed to be there too...but as you can see it is not. What am I doing wrong?

I'm off to have cake and ice cream with James...I'll post more later.

Monday, September 25, 2006

My links are invisible

I know it looks like there aren't any links except for Christy but they are there, you just can't see them. If you click on the white space underneath Christy then you will go to a new blog.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Lisa my dearest Lisa

Thanks so much for calling me last night. You are so crazy...good luck rolling all of your change. I love this picture of us. Love ya.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Livin la Vida Loca

I want to be back in Nova Scotia having fun!with my friends!! But alas I am back in the evil world of academia. Classes that I don't care about (except Drama...oh the fun I have in that class), always having an assignment hanging over my head and worst of all pompous professors. GROAN. I feel as though that being on campus makes me more stupid. For example: the first day of classes I see a tent set up and they are giving out free student planners...hurray, I think to myself and I saunter over in order to get one and save myself a few bucks. The young ,almost prepubescent, man says to me, "What faculty?". I hear "Are you faculty?" I smile and say no. He looks at me with a look that informs me I have indeed said something stupid/wrong. He bravely tries again..."What faculty?" (His voice cracks this time). Then I started to giggle because I realize my mistake and it is not just a quick giggle, oh no, it's one of those nervous over the top giggles. I attempt to pull myself together and between gasps and giggles I manage to say, probably far too loud, "ENGLISH, I'm an English Major...Okay?". I think next time I will just buy my own stupid planner. I cannot wait to graduate from university so that my common sense will return...I hope...maybe I'm too far gone already. Good night everyone. And for those of you out there who are rolling their eyes because I, a member of the English faculty, have no idea how to use puncuation and grammar...go ahead. I'm too tired to care.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My new jacket

My friend Leanne told me before I went to Nova Scotia that she had gotten my birthday present but it was so awesome that I had to wait until I back to Edmonton to get it. Well boys and girls she was right...it is amazing...a Cheri Milaney jacket!!!! Wow!!!! I am including a picture but it doesn't even begin to do it justice! I think it is the nicest piece of clothing I have ever owned!! THANK YOU LEANNE.


So my attempt to add a link was unsuccessful! Just type in www.kylasandulak.com and click on the "songs" tab to find her music.

Kyla Sandulak

In the summer I took a drama class and let me say I had a wonderful time. It was a great class, a great professor and a great group of people. I met a lot of fun and interesting people. One girl that I met, Kyla, I quickly found out had an amazing singing voice. She told me that she sings a lot around Edmonton and has released a CD of original music, she also told me about her website. This brings me to the point of this blog, you all have to check out her music. There are 3 songs on website that you can listen to. She is so amazing.
I hope you enjoy.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tea Party

I know I have been a bad blogger lately but I have just started back to class and I'm a little overwhelmed with life at the moment. I also got hit hard this past weekend with the stomach flu/food poisoning. But I must report about the lovely visit with Anne and her sweet baby, Leah. If every baby was like Leah I would have a hundred. Never in all of my life have a seen such a pleasant, agreeable child. Anne is definitely doing something right. It was so nice to talk with Anne and catch up a bit with her. Anne, we really need to do that more often. Anyway, here are a few pictures from our visit.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

She'll probably kill me but...

Yesterday was my friend Shannon's birthday and it made me stop and ponder our 25 year friendship. We've have had some ups and downs but have remained close over the years. We have battled several fashion trends, hair mishaps, heartbreaks and many, many laughs together. When I was little I didn't realize how blessed I was to have such a friend, I swear at times we were able to read each others minds. Even now that we are "all growd up" and are at very different stages of our lives we are connected by our heart strings. It feels good to know that regardless how often or not we talk when we see each other face to face we can pick up where we left off. It's amazing how two people as different as we are from each other can be kinred spirits. I am blessed to know her. I thank God for my friend, for the memories that we have made and for the ones we will make. Happy Birthday Shan. Love you always.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Okay Christy enough is enough!!

This picture is of my long lost sister in law, her name is Christy Lynn (Koonts) Benson. It has been some time since her last blog and I am very concerned for her safety. If you have any information concerning her whereabouts please post a comment. Christy if you are out there somewhere put a blog up!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Proud of my dad

For those of you who know my dad you are probably aware of the fact that he had a crappy childhood and he worked at a job he hated for over 30 years. So it really did my heart good while I was home because I got to see him doing things that he really loves. I think it's great to see how much he enjoys running "The Driftwood" even when the Pepsi guy doesn't show up. He treated Leanne and I to a boat tour of Aylesford lake and I got to cruise around on his motorcycle with him. I love how my dad knows how to appreciate the small in things in life. And I am so happy that he has a chance to enjoy things that he chooses.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

On my birthday

So I have a lot of catching up to do. I thought I would start with my birthday that seems like forever ago. I LOVE birthdays, I always have so much fun and James spoils me too. We started out with a healthy breakfast of grease.

Then we when to the waterpark with Amanda, Arthur and Caius and had SO much fun and had more grease to eat.

Then before I hopped a plane to Nova Scotia James took me to Koutouki's Greek Restaurant. So we ended up having grease 3 times :)...get it? Grease or Greece...hahaha...I crack myself up. I really need to get out more.

Anyway, I had a wonderful birthday. It was fun to hang out and be silly with friends. I hope you enjoy the pictures and I promise to post NS pictures soon too.

Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm home

Hey Everyone, I'm back to blogging. I had such a wonderful time while I was in Nova Scotia. I have so many pictures to share with you but I promise not to overload you. It was nice to get off the plane last night and see James' face smiling! It is good to be back in Edmonton. It is so true that your home is where your heart is and my heart is with James. Don't worry though mom because I am a Maritimer through and through. Enjoy my pics.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Want to have some fun

Hello Blogger friends,

Leanne and I are planning to have a bon fire Friday night in Harbourville just behind the restaurant around 7pm. You are all welcome to come, even if you don't post blogs and are just a reader of my blog you are more than welcome to come. I would love to see you all. Man, woman and child are all welcome to come. Bring your own treats if you want any.

Hello everyone,
It has come to my attention that I have been missed in the blogging world. I am happily in Nova Scotia with my friend Leanne. We are having a great time. We have got to the city, Lisa's cottage, Cape Split and we have eaten sooo much. Here are a few pictures to keep a certain sister-in-law happy. I will give a full report soon. By the way, to all of you Nova Scotia bloggers are you up for a tea party next week? Let me know.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Birthday Girl

So I turned 30 today. I had a wonderful day!!! I've got lots of pictures to share but at the moment I need to get to the airport so I can take the redeye to Nova Scotia. I'm excited but I am very sad to be leaving James for so long. I am counting on all you Bluenosers to help me forget my sorrows. See most of you soon. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Lyndsie is so right

I decided to help a friend out and bake for her bake sale. I was rewared by burning my arm on the oven door. The oven door had it in for as it seemed to close before I got my arm out. I think next time I will just give a lump of cookie dough that someone else can bake. Poor me. Does anyone feel sorry for me?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Free At Last

Well, I am finally finished my summer session courses and I am truly thankful. I cannot believe that this coming school year is my last. In April I will finally get my degree and be free from the world of academia...at least until I go back to get my Education degree. I wish I had a funny antedote to tell about my final exam but there really isn't one. I left studying for my exam until the last minute as usual, crammed my head full of information that I will never use (It was a history of design exam) and then walked in the room and wrote for 2 hours. I managed to fill an exam booklet with information that is only good for trivial pursuit. But I am finished and have added another six hours of credits to my degree. Hurray for me. Now that I am done I have 2 1/2 weeks off to enjoy myself. I can't wait to bask in the sea salt air of Turner's Brook, stuff my face full of seafood and most importantly see my friends and family. But FIRST I must first turn 30...although I am not excited to be entering a new decade I am excited to be spending the day at the West Edmonton Mall waterpark. I wish Taye and Bronson were here to go with me. Bronson I will make James go down that big red one for you :) Well, since this post has very little point I will sign off. Good night all.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Daniel John (aka Chirp)

I thought I would post a new picture of Laura and David's new little guy. From what I hear he is a great little guy. I am looking forward to meeting him next week.

Monday, August 14, 2006

It's a small world thanks to Kelly

I was talking to my friend Amy Hannam tonight, she is from Nova Scotia, and I discovered what a small world this really is. Amy told me that she has been reading my blogs lately and checking out some of the links on my page. She was delighted to find that there was a familar face amongst my links. She recognized Kelly's shining smile. Amy moonlights at the Staples Copy Centre where she told me she encountered a delightful woman who use to print menus at Staples. She told me that she just knew Kelly was a Christain. We both agreed that Kelly is a blessing to know.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Me and my puppy

Since I don't have kids I am still in love with my dog. She may be slobbery and smelly but she is so cute and has a ton of personality. She jumped on the coach for some lovin' the other night.

Sunday musings

Everyone one knows that it isn't nice to judge others. Despite how we were raised most of us eventually learn that judging others only makes us bitter and cynical; so why do we do it? In the Bible it tells us DO NOT judge and to leave the judgment up to God, but I like to add a clause to this command. It usually takes the form of "I just need to vent..." or "If they weren't so...I wouldn't say this, but..." or "What were they thinking..." or "It's not what I'm used to...". I have been very guilty of this since I moved to Edmonton. Most of my Christian life I have attended Weston and if not at Weston I was at NBBI. Two places that I would say are theologically sound (NBBI is a bit weird but that is a topic for a different post). I have been blessed to have been brought up in such an environment. However, I am no longer in that environment. I am in the Wild, yet conservative, Western province of Alberta. I have had a chip on my spiritual shoulder since I got here. Right from the beginning I have had it in for churches out here. When I started attending Strathcona Baptist I fell in love with the people, they are nice and friendly and people who are interested in what I am interested in. But I have never given the church a chance. I will admit, there are a number of things that I do not agree with. But is it all bad? Is my failure to grow as a Christian out here the churches fault or mine? I really don't know. I don't feel like I get meaty sermons anymore but does that mean there isn't anything I can learn? Has my judgmental attitude been the problem? I was struck today in the sermon by how judgmental I have been lately. Before James and I even made it through the doors I had thrown out a negative comment on how long the worship part of the service was. My attitude only soured more when I found out we were having a guest speaker, a woman. But I was soon captivated by what she was saying. What really stood out to me today was the passion in which this woman spoke. Her voice cracked as she read of God's holiness in Psalm 99. I don't remember the last time I felt like that while reading the Bible. She did not deliver a bland sermon at all, it was one of stable conviction. She spoke about how God is a God of love but He is also a God of justice, one who will punish when necessary. I found and still find myself humbled because my judgmental attitude is worth punishing. By the end of the service I had the verse "All things work together for good to those who love God" (paraphrased by me, I don't have the greatest memory). I may not be 100% satisfied in my church but perhaps God is teaching me how to work for my spiritual growth. And if I am open to His teaching I can still learn things out here. Growth is not always going to be handed to me an a silver platter. James and I are preparing to travel for a number of months, perhaps missing church on a regular basis. I need to start learning how to grow on my own. I need to be thankful for what God has given to me out here, friends who will drop everything to pray for me, an opportunity to teach Sunday School, experiencing new Christians who are SO excited to be saved by grace. I still crave sermons Horton-style but thanks to Charmin's link I can get Pastor Horton 3 times a week (Thank you Charmin). Please pray for me as God teaches me to be motivated to work for what I want and that I will learn to love my neighbor as myself. (Sorry this is so long, I have lots of musings today).

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Happy Birthday my sweet, wonderful niece

Taye, I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! I cannot believe that you are 14 today! I can't wait to get home and celebrate with you and give you your present (gee I wonder what it could be...:p) I will call you later today. I'm so glad that you are back from camp, I can't wait to hear all about it and California too. Love you so much!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Quick, easy and refreshing summer dessert

Hey Shannon, here is the recipe I was telling you about. It takes less than a half an hour to make from start to table. Best of all you don't have to use the oven, so it's a perfect summer treat. If you are on a diet there is no need to read any further...to is sooooo bad for you. It does have fruit in it so maybe you could justify it even if you are cutting back.

2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/2 c margarine melted
1/2 c margarine
2 cups confectioners' sugar (I used a bit less and it was still very sweet)
2 eggs
4 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
3 bananas (should be firm)
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 can crushed pineapple
1 80z tub of Cool Whip

Combine crumbs and melted margarine and press into bottom of 9 by 13 dish.

In medium saucepan combine margarine, sugar, eggs, corn starch and vanilla. On medium heat bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and simmer for 8-10 mins. (If you have hot stove top maybe less, I only had to simmer for about 5 mins) Put in fridge to cool, pour over crust.

Coin bananas and dip in lemon juice to prevent them from going brown, spread them over dessert. Drain pineapple and spread over bananas. Spread cool whip over pineapple. Put in fridge until ready to serve.

Sorry I don't have a picture. It goes great with a cup of hot tea for any of you tea drinkers out there. Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I am SO tired! I have nothing to say because my mind has self-destructed. I really just feel like posting some pictures, so here are a few from my New York trip. It was tons of fun.

Still here

No I have not gone anywhere! I apologize for not blogging very much lately but I am in my last week of class so I've been busy. I have a presentation and an article review due tomorrow and next week I have a group presentation and a final exam. But by next Thursday night by 8pm I will be free from school. Hurray and PTL. I will then have 2 1/2 weeks off before fall classes start. I will do my best to blog a bit but I probably won't be around a lot until next week.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Humbled and in need of help

I need help you guys. I was a good Proverbs Lady today and read chapter seven but I must admit I had troubles applying it to my own life. I humbly admit that I am out of practice with my devotions. Please do not think that I am stupid because I did catch that prostitution is wrong and being lead astray is wrong but I feel like there is more to this chapter than the obvious...help please!

Nova Scotia in 13 days

I cannot wait to get home to Nova Scotia! I feel so excited to see all of my new blogging buddies face to face. I can't wait to see the ocean, to smell salt air. I can't wait to sit down and chat with old Christian friends. I can't wait to laugh until my cheeks hurt over something that isn't funny with Shannon. I can't wait to go to church at Weston. I can't wait to see my family. I can't wait to show off Nova Scotia with my friend Leanne, who has never been east before. Less than 2 weeks.

This is my friend Leanne,

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Thank you Anne

I got the cutiest dress from Good Will (I checked Fairweather Lynds...no luck) and I found a navy polka dot dress to go with my new red shoes. I did a little altering and presto...a very cute outfit. (I even found a little red clutch). I don't have a picture but I wanted everyone to know that Anne is now my fashion guru.

Heritage Festival

Hello Everyone, I'm sorry to have taken a break from blogging but James and I went to Heritage Days yesterday. It is a festival that celebrates different cultures around the world. There are tons of tents set up and each tent is fill with a countries food and cultural products (clothes, hats, etc.) They also have shows throughout the day on different stages. James and I saw African dancing and singing, Aboriginal dancing, Pakistani dancing, a Japanese dragon dance and LOTS of different food (Serbian, Hawaiian, Croatian, etc). It was so cool because a lot of Edmontonians that have don't have Canadian heritage came dressed in their native dress...so cool. Lots of kimonos and saris. It was so beautiful. It was so fun just to hang out together for the day.

Can't wait to get to Nova Scotia...2 weeks from today.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Taye's birthday present?

Hey Taye,
This is the bag I got, if you would rather I got the shoes I can take this back. I think it is so funny that we both bought red bags...

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Is this the right bag Lisa?

Taye, let me know if this is the right bag. I took a picture of the inside too because I thought it was cool.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Clean apartment and new shoes

So I spent my afternoon cleaning and I must say that I am pleased. James and I have a cat and a dog that shed copious amounts of hair. It is so gross and I don't always have time to vacuum. But today I did it. But I think the most satisfying job was the bathroom. I have no idea why but I love cleaning the bathroom. Now I have a sparkling sink.

I am also posting a picture of my new shoes for Taylor. We share a shoe addiction. They are sooooo awesome.


I forgot to post a picture of my new nephew. Daniel John (aka Chirp) was born July 16. Laura says that he is sleeping well and is a good baby.