This picture is of my long lost sister in law, her name is Christy Lynn (Koonts) Benson. It has been some time since her last blog and I am very concerned for her safety. If you have any information concerning her whereabouts please post a comment. Christy if you are out there somewhere put a blog up!!!!!!!!!!!
do you even know how extremely frightening it is to be watching the computer for a blog to come on and instead see a picture of your ridiculous self standing by a huge bouquet of flowers? It is quite disorienting. And then I laughed my head off that you actually want to hear about my very boring day. (I felt very special and touched that you care so much) I've updated my blog - you will be SOOOO glad (sarcasm here), it may even increase your intellect just by having read it!
hurray you're back
yah, i was wondering where she's been! her life must be too interesting to blog....thats what i read in an article about blogging
Where are your links?!?!?
Oh wait, they're back :)
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