I decided to help a friend out and bake for her bake sale. I was rewared by burning my arm on the oven door. The oven door had it in for as it seemed to close before I got my arm out. I think next time I will just give a lump of cookie dough that someone else can bake. Poor me. Does anyone feel sorry for me?
totally. i have more oven burn stories than i care to share. i especially feel better to have met someone else who managed to burn the back of their arm. people really look at you funny when they ask 'how did you burn your elbow' and you say 'on my oven'.
: )
thank you Charmin. I am happy to know that I am not the only one with this special talent
AW Trac- that looks awful- burns are the WORST
Poor Tracy. I hate burns :( And right before your vacation...but you will have your mama to take care of you soon. She will bake you yummy pies to make you feel better. Maybe I will burn my arm...
That was so nice of you to help out with a bake sale. Sorry to see that you burnt yourself :-( I feel your pain! I do hope it heals quickly for you........there is a "special" bandaid out in the drugstore (sort of like a duoderm) and that will help the healing process! I hope you have a wonderful visit....sorry I won't be able to see you for I will be visiting my new baby neice in Alberta:-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACY!! I hope that you have a great one. Thirty is not old, you are just maturing.
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