I cannot believe that he is practically an adult...wow...where did the time go. I'm so proud of my surfer dude nephew. Love you Logan. Lisa has also managed to squeeze in another birthday.

Also, as of yesterday James is offical done his Master program. He presented and defended his thesis on October 26. He did a few revisions to fix it up and yesterday he submitted his final copy to the graduate studies offical. The lady at the office congratulated him and told him he was offically done (he even got a fancy pen). Hurray.

Well, I guess that is all that's been going on. We are now looking forward to Laura and Daniel's visit on the 19th. By the way I will try my best to actually post something about 3 John today. Somebody yell at me if I don't. I'm so bad at this. I hope everyone is well.
I'm not sure what is going on with the first 2 pictures on my blog. If they just look like white blocks then click on them and you should be able to see them.
Yeah!!! I'm glad you're back blogging and that James is finished!! Congrats, James! Must have been Maley's prayers, every night we pray for everybody in the family and Unca James is right beside Aunt Tracy everytime! Love the pics, I finally have some on mine. So much more interesting than hearing me ramble and ramble. Talk with you soon, hopefully!!!
I love James title on the board. Cute. Congratulations!
And don't worry no ones going to yell at you. :0)
Glad your back. Congratulations to James! Love the photos.
Dearest....are you dead? Must have more postings! This is how I keep updated on your life. Love you tons! -Amy
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