Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Hello All,
I do realize that I haven't been a good blogger and for the moment I am not really going to give an update. I really am just asking for prayer. I do realize that my life is wonderful and I am truly blessed with many things but that does not change the fact that I have 2 ten page papers due Friday and neither one are done or even started for that matter. I was sick in bed for over a week and I am SO far behind I could just cry. So please if you can spare a moment please pray that God will give me clarity and the ability to ramble about 17th century print culture and the Victorian Class structure. Thank you all. I promise to update a lot over Christmas.


Shannon said...

No fair. Not fun. There is a good side to this though, you can be very good at rambling when you need to. :)

Kim said...

I'll be praying for you. Hope you're feeling better now. :)

Taryn said...

Tracy, you rock.
And you will get through it :)