Monday, January 15, 2007

Comings and Going

Well my dreams of blogging a lot at Christmas fell through...oh well. And I come back to find that everyone is either gone (Lynds, Ash, Taye) or moved (Shan and Kim). So now I am updated as to where everyone is or isn't. My goal this year is to blog once a week. I need to get into the habit so that when James and I start travelling I'll keep up with this blog.

James and I spent 3 hours last night discussing our travel plans and this is what we have come up with:
1. we don't want to travel for 8 months.
2. fewer places is better

So with that in mind we had a tentitive plan for travelling. Leave Halifax at the beginning of June...spent a couple of weeks in Hawaii, then fly to New Zealand to spend a couple of weeks with Sharon C. Then fly to Thailand where we would have 6 weeks to investigate South east Asia and then finally fly to Kenya where we will spend 6 weeks in Africa. We will then return home at the end of September. We decided to cut out Central and South America altogether because it adds a lot time and money onto this trip and because it is fairly cheap to get there from Nova Scotia at a later time. So tomorrow we are heading to the travel agent to book our tickets...hurray.

In other news...oh wait...I don't have other news. :) Classes are back in now so I don't have a life anymore. Okay I'll talk to you all next week.


Shannon said...

It's so nice to hear from you! Sorry that you are so busy. At least you have a huge, awesome trip to look forward to in a few months!
I'd love to chat, I'll leave it that you can give me a call when you're not working and not exhausted.

Erin said...

welcome back :) that's quite the trip you guys have planned...make sure you take lots of pictures!!! are you still coming to NS in february?

Tracing in the Valley said...

thanks girls, it's nice to be back...J. and are going to NS for a week in feb.