I know it isn't very modern of me to say, but I love doing housewifey things. I like cleaning and organizing and cooking. The problem is that I am living a very modern lifestyle. James and I are usually up and at 'em by 7am and then either bike or take the bus to school. I then spend the next several hours in class, come home walk the dog, do homework, whip up a quick supper and then park my ever growing butt in front of the TV. I am so tired out from school that the thought of cleaning, baking or even making a decent meal makes me feel yucky. I honestly don't know how women work and have kids. I would lose my mind. It is very difficult to take a step back from my self-centred life in a world that encourages me to be on the go ALL the time. But I did it today--I took several steps back. I came home from school and instead of taking a nap or doing homework I baked. I made mini lemon tarts and banana bread (Sorry dorey girls, I don't have a picture). I also am planning on cooking a Cornish hen for supper with a spinach salad and perogies. I love it!! I can't guarantee that I will get the vacuuming done but there is always tomorrow...
I am so glad you got the pictures up and running. :) They are great! I can't believe anyone would bake in this heat. 3 cheers for you.
Good for you! Tell me about the modern world...it seems to be an enigma to stay at home with your kids and husband and enjoy it! People look at me like I have 2 heads when they hear I cook, iron, bake and do MENUS! I can hear you laughing...talk with you soon!!!
Nice Jack Sparrow...CAPTIAN Jack Sparrow.
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