Thursday, July 20, 2006

Another day

Okay, this is how my day started. I overslept so I had to drive to class and pay $7.50 for 3 hours of parking...what a rip off. My class was really fun, it's an oral communications class and today we practiced reading short stories in front of the class. I read "A Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin. Such a great story, you should read it...just google the title and it will come up. It's a quick read. I then came home and wrote an article review within 30 minutes; I smell a B- coming on. I somehow managed to be late again thus having to drive to school and pay for parking AGAIN. I decided to pass in the article review and then skip class. Who really cares about the history of design anyway. I ended up at the movies and watched "The Devil Wears Prada". Cute but not Oscar worthy. It you like before and after makeover stories then you will like this movie. The swearing and smut, although slightly present, are not excessive. Now I am home in my very stuffy house blogging...which still seems weird. One of you Dorey girls will have to show me how to add links to other blogs to the side of my page. Well, that's all I have to say. Good night and good luck.


Christy said...

Hey, Tracy! No idea how this works, but we must progress with time! I saw this address on your IM name, thought I would give it a read and comment. Apparently, now I have a blog. Who knew, me a blogger?!? Hope to hear from you soon. No idea how to find who else is on this silly thing. Guess I will learn. Talk with you soon! Oh, by the way, sounds like you had a fun day the other day :0)

Kim said...

Hi Tracy,I'm brand new to blogging, too. Lots of fun!! It's a great way to stay in touch, or for us, get back in touch!! I can't wait!!:0)