I don't even know how it got to be the 17th of October. Life is beyond busy right now and I don't really like it. I apologize to all of you who have emailed and I haven't responded yet. Cheryl, thank you so much for the picture...it made my day. Shannon, I will respond soon...I love the updates...they make me realize that there is more to this life.
Since the purpose of a blog is to vent, journal, criticize, correspond,etc., I am going to let you all know that I am and have been grumpy for days upon end. It all started last Saturday when I was supposed to have a relaxing day off and then spend an evening with a bunch of my girlfriends. I was told last minute that I had to attend a play for one of my classes in the evening which I must write a 3 page report on...There goes my girls night out. Then I got called into work...There goes my day off. No problem...right?! Work was fine I managed to get through it. Then I went to the play.........words cannot describe what I experienced. Stupid and pointless are just not harsh enough. A complete and utter waste of time and let me just tell you, I am pretty artsy so for me to think a play is stupid I'm sure most of you would have walked out after 5 seconds. I had to sit through 90 minutes of a grown man acting like a crow (I'm totally serious). Then came Sunday...oh dear...I don't even want to go there again. Let's just say I'll be contacting Anne to find out what time their morning service is. Then on Monday morning one of my professors tried to convince our class that "common sense" does not really exist...COME ON PEOPLE, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO. Normally I can just laugh all of this stuff off and chalk it up to "those academics" but I'm coming to the end of my rope with this stuff. I was somewhat encouraged when, on Monday, we discussed the "Crow Play" in class and my teacher apologized for making us go...she didn't realize that it would be so dumb. She also gave us an assignment to make a list of things we are grateful for (this is a drama class)...so I am thankful for my drama teacher. I am grateful that she restored my faith in mankind (just a bit). Well, that is what I have been up to. I just go to school and work (a lot). James' mom and dad were very nice and put some money in our bank account so that we could go out to eat and go to a movie. It was great to get out and have fun. Thanks Lana and John. I think that is my life right now. Also some breaking news...James and I are not coming home for Christmas this year...boohoo. It was just far too expensive so courtesy of Mom and Dad and their air miles we will be home Feb 17 for a week. It will be sad not to be home for Christmas but at least in February we will actually have time to visit with everyone. Okay I'm tired of typing. Anne and Charmin I apologize for any typos but I just don't have it in me to proofread.