I know it isn't very modern of me to say, but I love doing housewifey things. I like cleaning and organizing and cooking. The problem is that I am living a very modern lifestyle. James and I are usually up and at 'em by 7am and then either bike or take the bus to school. I then spend the next several hours in class, come home walk the dog, do homework, whip up a quick supper and then park my ever growing butt in front of the TV. I am so tired out from school that the thought of cleaning, baking or even making a decent meal makes me feel yucky. I honestly don't know how women work and have kids. I would lose my mind. It is very difficult to take a step back from my self-centred life in a world that encourages me to be on the go ALL the time. But I did it today--I took several steps back. I came home from school and instead of taking a nap or doing homework I baked. I made mini lemon tarts and banana bread (Sorry dorey girls, I don't have a picture). I also am planning on cooking a Cornish hen for supper with a spinach salad and perogies. I love it!! I can't guarantee that I will get the vacuuming done but there is always tomorrow...