Okay, I know I'm not a good blogger but at least I try...sort of. Not a lot going on in my world except for a new baby coming. I can't believe I am going to be a parent...scary. I'm starting to feel little flutters and I'm told it's the baby/alien. It's a very bizarre feeling. I've been blessed with a very easy pregnancy so far, no sickness or any of the other million horrible things that can happen to you while you are pregnant. I am extremely tired but for the most part very good. Baby/Alien will be here in September or earlier (I hope) as everyone keeps telling me that this summer is going to be a hot one. Here is a picture of me at 15ish weeks.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I still update...sometimes...
Okay, I know I'm not a good blogger but at least I try...sort of. Not a lot going on in my world except for a new baby coming. I can't believe I am going to be a parent...scary. I'm starting to feel little flutters and I'm told it's the baby/alien. It's a very bizarre feeling. I've been blessed with a very easy pregnancy so far, no sickness or any of the other million horrible things that can happen to you while you are pregnant. I am extremely tired but for the most part very good. Baby/Alien will be here in September or earlier (I hope) as everyone keeps telling me that this summer is going to be a hot one. Here is a picture of me at 15ish weeks.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Lovin the Stage

So if anyone out there needs a good laugh and a good cry in one night come on out.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Returning to the Stage
Something finally happened!! I got cast in the next play at CentreStage Theatre. I decided, sort of last minute, to go to an audition at my old stomping ground and it paid off. I got the intense role of Jennie Malone in Neil Simon's "Chapter Two". Not only do I get to punch and scream at Stephen Abyss but he throws me across the stage...haha...only other actors will appreciate how exciting that is. We just started rehersals and it will run from June 5- July something. If anyone is interested in checking it out go to www.centrestagetheatre.ca.
***Although CentreStage is always accommodating to me and my refusal to curse this play does have a bit of swearing***
(Not bad eh Amy...two posts in less than a month)
***Although CentreStage is always accommodating to me and my refusal to curse this play does have a bit of swearing***
(Not bad eh Amy...two posts in less than a month)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Well then...
I admit it I am a terrible blogger!! I don't have internet at home so it's a bit challenging to be a consistent blogger. But it seems that I'm getting a bad reputation in the blogging world (Amy) so I thought I had better update...it's only been 6 months since my last one.
James and I are doing well. James has a job working with applied geomatics. He seems to really love it and he will be doing a project that he can combine this with a wildlife study for the summer. If you don't know what geomatics are then go download Google Earth. He helps to take laser images of landscape so that a 3D image can be analyzed.
I am working at my dads restaurant and at Purolator courier. I enjoy both but as always I am working too much and have no time for anything else. I do believe I am a workaholic. I'm hoping to do some theatre again soon...perhaps in the early summer.
Other than that things are pretty dull. Maybe that is why I don't blog that often. The only thing I ever have to say is that I am working too much.
My latest tally for nieces and nephews...4 nephews and 3 nieces. The newest edition is Thomas James Freeland Duke. He is a beautiful new edition to James' sister Laura's house.
Well, I must run. Perhaps in another six months I will post again. Hahaha. I love you Amy.
James and I are doing well. James has a job working with applied geomatics. He seems to really love it and he will be doing a project that he can combine this with a wildlife study for the summer. If you don't know what geomatics are then go download Google Earth. He helps to take laser images of landscape so that a 3D image can be analyzed.
I am working at my dads restaurant and at Purolator courier. I enjoy both but as always I am working too much and have no time for anything else. I do believe I am a workaholic. I'm hoping to do some theatre again soon...perhaps in the early summer.
Other than that things are pretty dull. Maybe that is why I don't blog that often. The only thing I ever have to say is that I am working too much.
My latest tally for nieces and nephews...4 nephews and 3 nieces. The newest edition is Thomas James Freeland Duke. He is a beautiful new edition to James' sister Laura's house.
Well, I must run. Perhaps in another six months I will post again. Hahaha. I love you Amy.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Back in Canada
Well, it is finally offical...we are back in Canada and loving it. We are still a bit jet-lagged and disorganized but settling in very quickly. The Havill's have very lovingly given us a place to stay for as long as we need it (a beautiful log cabin). I have started work at my fathers restaurant and James will start looking for a job within the next couple of days. We have so many stories and pictures to share. We don't have internet at our place yet so we have to rely on our parents computers. Hopefully tomorrow will see some pictures on the blog from our travels. We want to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts while we are travelling. We avoided sickness, robbery and matatu accidents the whole 4 months. I (Tracy) will hopefully be in Edmonton near the beginning of November so I can't wait to catch up with everyone then.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
a quick update
Hey y'all. We are heading back to the village to start work on the posho mill. Thank you so much for all of your support. If you are still thinking about supporting the project please feel free because we are settling up a sustainability fund (for wage of the person running and for repairs that may need to be done) and perhaps future projects for the village. We will be in the village for a couple of weeks and will hopefully get in up and running before we come back to Canada. We will take lots of pictures and share them with you all. We can't express to you how much this means to us and the community. We will give a very detailed account of the whole project when we get home. Love you all.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Who would have thought
Okay here is ANOTHER one...wow. This might be useful for Wendy as well. The maize here is planted twice a year. Mr. Orwa, behind the plow, is plowing the field to get ready for planting so that the maize will be ready in December. These people work so hard because as he is plowing some fields to plant maize his other fields are being harvested.
Miracle of miracles
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